Well Windows Phone 7 launch has gone well with the number of apps growing at an excellent rate. However as a user of a WP7 and an app developer there are a few bits currently missing from the Marketplace
Usage Statistics
Download and purchase reports are not due to be available until Jan 2011. We are all going to be anxiously waiting those reports to find out how successful our apps have been. If you cannot wait that long Mark Monster explains how you can use Google Analytics to capture usage information or checkout the Silverlight Analytics Framework on WP7 at Kodierer [Coder].
App Listings
When I was developing for Android I was pretty disappointed by Google’s web based marketplace. At the moment the marketplace for Windows Phone 7 is officially via Zune on the desktop and obviously the phone. Unofficially there is an online browsing of the Windows Phone marketplace at AppsFuze.
App Reviews
There is currently no official way to easily read all the Reviews of your app. The unofficial solution comes from Tom Verhoeff, at Windows Phone 7 AppReviews.