May 2007 Blog Posts
Originally published on my old Charteris blog
I am back developing and debugging ASP.NET AJAX (Atlas) code again and I am trying to remember previous debugging techniques.
For line-by-line debugging I still use Firebug when debugging Firefox and Visual Studio 2005 to debug IE6 and 7. Don't write off the VS debugging experience, I know I did for a while and I regretted it, it is great. Occasionally it will add an extra breakpoint at some random location when you try and set a breakpoint but it will add the one you wanted too. The key to debugging on VS2005 for me was...
Originally published on my old Charteris blog
So out of the box WPF's default template will use a VirtualizingStackPanel. The virtualizing part of the VirtualizingStackPanel (VSP) is that it will only generate the UI elements for the items that are currently visible on screen. This can have big benefits when you are working with a large dataset and complex UI.
Things to remember if you think virtualization is not happening
Make sure that ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll is set to True & IsVirtualizing is set to True. These are ListBox's defaults but remember them if you are customising the ListBox...